Cheat Sheet

How do I best recommend Unzer?

Are you not a sales professional for payment solutions? Never mind! The tips in this cheat sheet will help you successfully recommend Unzer solutions.

1. Contact merchant

• Be a friend, not a teacher
The sound makes the music: Everyone is happy to receive tips if they are presented in a friendly manner. Avoid lectures from above or harsh criticism like you get from 1-star reviews on Google: “Impossible not to offer card payment in 2023!
I’ll never come back!!!” That’s not our style ;-)
Concentrate fully on the positive messages, e.g. B.: Why is it worth accepting cashless payments? How does a mobile terminal improve business operations? What can a mobile cash register do?

• Find the right time
Is your favorite lunch café bursting at the seams between 12 and 1 p.m. every day? The guests answer the door, the staff doesn't have a quiet moment? Of course, this isn't the best time to start a conversation.
Approach people when they are not completely stressed, but have an open ear and time for a chat with their customers. Then your recommendation will be remembered much more easily and you will leave a positive impression.

2. Explain Unzer solutions

• Keep it simple
Sometimes the biggest obstacle when we want to explain something is our own extensive knowledge of a specialized topic. You may be a payment expert, but your counterpart is not necessarily.
Limit yourself to the central information and, if possible, explain without technical jargon, Denglish or abbreviations that not everyone knows, such as “Acquirer”, “PSP”, “MPayment”. If you notice during the conversation that the person you are talking to is very knowledgeable, then you are of course free to talk shop :-)

• Illustrate with examples
All of our POS products are full of useful features. In order to make the benefits of a function more tangible, it helps to describe a concrete scenario that the other person can put themselves in. An example:
Feature: Customer management - Clear explanation for hairdressers: “You can create a profile for each customer so that all your employees know the customer's personal wishes and preferred styling products.”

3. Highlight exclusive discount

• Remember the most important thing!
We all know it ourselves: discounts simply work! So don't forget to explicitly mention that new customers save 3 monthly fees with the voucher code.

Here are a few helpful statistics for your recommendation interview


of guests in the gastro industry have been paying cashless more frequently since the pandemic *


of 18-29 year olds want to pay cashless in restaurants *


of guests in the catering industry expect the acceptance of Card payment *

The most important advantages of contactless payment for guests in the catering industry *


Contactless payments are esier


Contactless payments goes faster


Contactless payments is more hygienic

The top 5 criteria from retailers when selecting cash register software **


Intuitive usability


Quick customization of the software


Total cost of operation (TCO)


Omnichannel capability


Mobile usability

Sales share of card payments in stationary retail ***


  in 2019


  in 2022

* Innofact Study 2021 ** EHI Study “POS Systems 2022” *** EHI Study “Payment Systems in Retail 2022”